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The Acid Tests for Detecting Fake Works or Papers

Who will need this Fake Paper Test?

You may be a research supervisor or guide or a scholar, but sometimes we need to test the genuineness of a code or the analytical results that were presented in a research paper.

If you will be a research supervisor or guide then your student or scholar may try to cheat you with his fake code or research paper with cooked-up analytical results.

If you will be a student or scholar who is getting some paid support from a  programmer, then that paid programmer may try to cheat you with his fake code and outputs such as graphs and charts.


The Acid Test for Detecting Fake


If you are a research scholar or student who is getting some support from a paid programmer and started to believe that you are being cheated by that paid programmer, then how to identify it as fake work?

It is very simple :

1. If you are really working hard for about 3 or 4 years on a particular research problem and can not able to write any code or getting any basic things implemented and tested, and approaching a paid assistant, and he is accomplishing it within few days, then most probably it will be a fake or duplicate work – A real research work can not be made available like that ready-made fashion. Even, for another real expert in the same area, it may require at least a year to do that innovation.

graphs-100x1002. Take a careful look at the graphs and chart that were given by the paid programmer – if you find that the graph lines were so smooth/synthetic and your so-called innovative method is performing very much better than any state of the art existing methods, then you can identify it as fake. Keep in mind that, all the existing algorithms or protocols or models were continuously evolved in the last few decades and what you are having now in your hand as a “previous work” is nothing but a well-refined version of it. So improving one such fine protocol or algorithm, “just like that” is not possible.

3. If you check the code/software given by that paid programmer, I mean the coding part that is “developed” for analysis, you can easily identify it as a fake. People who will do fake graphs and charts generally, “type” the numerical values in the tabular form and use tools like x-graph or Gnuplot to display the graphs and charts – that is how they cook up the results of “improved method”.

 A paid programmer may help you to model your ideas and do the programming as per your needs but definitely, you should have the potential to understand it and do the necessary improvements in it. Keep in mind that fake work never helps to promote scientific research and never will help you to become a real expert in your research field.


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