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Installing SUMO, OmNet++ and Veins for doing VANET Research.

This article explains the installation of SUMO, OmNet++ and Veins for doing VANET Research.  We can do a  VANET research in an integrated manner using these three pieces of software using TraCI interface of SUMO.

SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility), an open-source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous multi-modal traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks[1].

OMNeT++ is an extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework, primarily for building network simulators. Featured Projects[2]

Veins is an open-source vehicular network simulation framework exclusively writtten for Omnet++[3].

Step1: Installing SUMO

You may refer the following article to install SUMO in your machine. It is an installation procedure that will do the installation in chroot jail. One may use the same procedure to install SUMO in their native Linux installation also.


For native SUMO install, you may follow the Part-I of the procedure (Part – I. The SUMO Installation).

Installing ms-van3t – A Multi-Stack VANET Framework for ns-3

Using Sumo for Creating Road Networks


The following is the link to that article.

Creating Random Road Network, Traffic Flows, Signals in SUMO

Step2: Installing Omnet++

You may refer the following article to install Omnet++ in your machine.
It is an installation procedure that will do the installation in chroot jail.

For native Omnet++ install, you may follow from Step-6 of this procedure.


Installing Omnet++ in Debian 9 chroot Jail Under Debian 11 Host OS

Step3: Installing Veins

Download the latest version of Veins from the following link:

Extract it under your home directory or (preferably) inside OmNet++ folder.

Open the default Omnet++ workspace and import the Veins project into the workspace.

Select the Veins folder from the project explorer and compile it by selecting Project→Build All from the menu.

Now you are ready to do VANET research in an integrated manner using these three pieces of software, OmNet++, SUMO and Veins using TraCI interface of SUMO from a Omnet++ Simulation.


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  5. Sumo Related Articles
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