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Installing ns3-gym AI Model under Chroot Jail

ns3-gym is the first framework for RL research in networking[4]. It is based on OpenAI Gym, a toolkit for RL research and ns-3 network simulator. Specifically, it allows representing an ns-3 simulation as an environment in Gym framework and exposing state and control knobs of entities from the simulation for the agent’s learning purposes. This framework is generic and can be used in various networking problems.  The toolkit is provided to the community as open-source under a GPL license. The right-side figure from [4] shows the architecture of ns3-gym  framework. One may refer [4] for more details about this architecture and its implementation uner ns-3.

In simple terms, ‘ns3-gym Model’ provides a way to communicate with a simple reinforcement learning algorithm framework from an ns-3 simulation.

In this article, we will see the installation procedure for installing ‘ns3-gym Model’  under Debian 10 “Buster” chroot jail.


Gym[1] is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. ns3-gym is a framework that integrates  OpenAI Gym with ns-3 for doing AI/RL based simulations under ns-3.

Install ns3-gym

ns3-gym model is originally integrated with a old ns3-dev version and available along with that ns3-dev version at GitHub. So we o not need to worry bout installing a particular ns-3 version for ns3-gym. We just need to download/clone the entire project and recompile it on our system.

You may follow the ns-3 dependency installation procedure given here as per your requirements.

Or you may simply follow the originl procedure from [3] for the installation of ns3-gym.

Change to “your home” folder

$cd /home/your_home/

Clone the ns3-gym repository under your home folder

$ git clone

We need the dependencies  libzmq5, libzmq5-dev, libprotobuf-dev  and protobuf-compiler for ns3-gym. We may install the last two in the list as follows:

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Now configure the build from ns3-gym root directory
$cd /home/your_home/ns3-gym
$ ./waf configure 
Now compile ns3.35 using waf
$ ./waf build
The following screenshot shows the successful installation of the ns3-gym  module.

Configure Python interface for ns3-gym

Now configure the python  interface as follows:

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Testing the Installation with simple Simulation

$ cd ./scratch/opengym
$ ./

This simulation will create the following output.


Running the Same, Simple test With two  terminals 


At Terminal 1 : Since we are doing this simulation under chroot, we start another terminal from the first terminal by running xterm command in the background.  ($ xterm & ). After that, we have to run the following at the new xterm.

$ cd /home/your_name/ns3-gym
$ ./waf –run “opengym”

The above will create the following output after running the simulation from another terminal.


At Terminal 2 : This is main chroot terminal from which the above xterm was run at background(&). We have to issue the following command in this terminal.

$ cd /home/your_name/ns3-gym/scratch/opengym
$ ./ –start=0


Running the Example of RL-based TCP Congestion Control Algorithm


Running it in a Single Terminal

We may run the tl-rcp example in single terminal as follows:


$ cd /home/your_name/ns3-gym/scratch/rl-tcp
$ ./


Running it in Two Separate Terminal

For a better understanding of ns-3 simulation and Gym interactions, we can run the rl-tcp example in two separate window as follows:

At Terminal 1 : Since we are doing this simulation under chroot, we start another terminal from the first terminal by running xterm command in the background.  ($ xterm & ). After that, we have to run the following at the new xterm.

$ cd /home/your_name/ns3-gym/
$ ./waf –run “rl-tcp –transport_prot=TcpRl”

This will start one part of the simulation. The following is the initial output at the terminal:

This tells us that to start the python gym agent. (we have to start if from  terminal 2 as explained in the next step)


At Terminal 2 : This is main chroot terminal from which the above xterm was run at background(&). We have to issue the following command in this terminal.

$ cd /home/your_name/ns3-gym/scratch/rl-tcp/
$ ./ –start=0


The above command will start communication with the terminal 1 process and produce the following output in terminal 2.


Similarly, The above command will produce the following output in terminal 1 also:


As shown in the above terminal 1 output, it shows the total receive packet  “RxPkts” at the end of the simulation.


  4. Piotr Gawlowicz, Anatolij Zubow, “ns-3 meets OpenAI Gym: The Playground for Machine Learning in Networking Research”, MSWiM ’19, Nov 25-29, 2019, Miami Beach, USA
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